As a newcomer to the drone scene, I have to admit to find it a fantastic hobby. The excitement of flying my “little friend Bugeye” with precision (thanks to DJI not my clumsy thumbs!), and having the ability to take high quality photos and video footage from points of view I would never be able to get to normally, is quite often mind blowing.
Since starting the hobby last year, I’ve found that Youtube is awash with all sorts of videos containing tutorials, reviews, tips and tricks etc., that have helped me and frustrated me with equal measure. Also, there are already great places to hang out with other enthusiasts both online and in real life meets, through resources such as the club I’m a member of: Grey Arrows Drone Club. So what I’m not trying to do on this site is reinvent the wheel.
Quite simply, this site is simply an avenue to have a bit of fun sharing videos of my own, and also videos I’ve found useful from other people. But rather than simply being a one man show, I would like to leave the door open for any like minded drone enthusiasts to use the site to showcase their stuff too.
Anyone is free to register as a user, and can request to become a contributor to the site at any time. There is also a system called Buddypress that is installed, so all registered users can customize their own profile page with personal avatars, header images, website and social links etc.. Plus there is the option to follow other members, send personal messages, create groups, and share random stuff like you would on your Facebook wall.
Please feel free to register by clicking the link on the top right of the page. If you have any issue at all, or just feel like saying “Hi!” just drop me a message any time.